Potential Role of Regional Partners in Socio-Economic Reconstruction of Afghanistan


  • Khalid Taimur Akram Executive Director, Center for Global and Strategic Studies (CGSS), Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Mehreen Gul Director, Center for Global and Strategic Studies (CGSS), Islamabad, Pakistan.




Afghanistan, Economic Reconstruction, Socio-economic Development, Regional Integration, Trade, Connectivity


The socio-economic situation of Afghanistan has been in shambles for almost two decades due to the U.S. invasion on the country. However, with the prospective end of this gruesome conflict, it is imperative to keep in sight and deliberate upon Afghanistan’s socio-economic reconstruction which is a shared responsibility of regional countries. In this regard, it is needless to say that rebuilding of the country cannot be left alone to the cliffhanger of the interests and whims of the major world powers without regional support as was done in the aftermath of Soviet withdrawal in late 1980s. The U.S. influence in South and Central Asia is declining in present times and thereby it has become necessary to evaluate the potential role of all the important regional countries around Afghanistan to ensure the rising of an era of long-lasting stability in Afghanistan. In this context, the role of regional countries and organizations, who are the real stake holders in the peace and development of the post-conflict Afghanistan is of paramount importance and carries great potential. Regional cooperation among the regional states and regional organizations for enhancing connectivity, academic collaboration, trade activities and transport corridors through Afghanistan will naturally translate into the socio-economic reconstruction of the war torn country.



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How to Cite

Akram, K. T. ., & Gul, M. . (2021). Potential Role of Regional Partners in Socio-Economic Reconstruction of Afghanistan. Central Asia, 87(Winter), 73–86. https://doi.org/10.54418/ca-87.122