Emerging Cooperation between China-Russia and Pakistan:

Challenges and Prospects




Geopolitics, China-Pakistan-Russia, Strategic Triangle, CPEC, Balance of Power


Over the past decade, the relationship between neighboring giants China and Russia has evolved from being a union formed out of convenience into one that holds immense strategic importance for both countries. One of the interesting dimensions of this strategic partnership is their growing interest in cultivating a strong relationship with Pakistan. China and Pakistan have marked a new era of emboldening their economic ties via CPEC, diplomatic ties through common framework of partnership and security ties as both countries cooperate on all military matters including joint military exercises.  Russia on the other hand was always considered a traditional ally of India but has shifted its focus towards Pakistan and is boosting its military and diplomatic ties with Pakistan. The new emerging axis of China-Pakistan-Russia is inevitable as it stems from the congruence of interests between the countries: However, it is not without its share of challenges and any amount of distrust from either side can create fault lines.






How to Cite

Emerging Cooperation between China-Russia and Pakistan: : Challenges and Prospects. (2019). Central Asia, 82(Summer), 37–52. https://doi.org/10.54418/ca-82.82