About the Journal


Area Study Centre (Russia, China & Central Asia) University of Peshawar has been publishing its biannual research journal "Central Asia" since 1978 Uninterrupted.

Central Asia is an internationally indexed journal recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) Islamabad, Pakistan and has been kept in category “Y” having International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 1729-9802 (Print) & 2706-8102 (Online). Articles published in Central Asia are Peer Reviewed and Plagiarism checked.

The journal is published under an Editorial Advisory Board. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Naeem Qazi, Pro-Vice Chancellor, University of Peshawar / Director Area Study Centre (Russia China & Central Asia) University of Peshawar, Pakistan is the Chairman Editorial Advisory Board & Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Muhammad Ali Dinakhel is the Editor.

Aims and Objectives

  • To promote scholarly exchange and cooperation among Pakistani and international scholars and specialists in all subfields of Social Sciences particularly on the subject area;
  • To disseminate theoretically grounded research and advance knowledge pertaining to its area of research i.e Russia, China, Central Asia, Afghanistan and Tribal districts of Pakistan;
  • To publish results of original research on a broad range of interdisciplinary issues relating to politics, international relations, foreign policy, culture, history, economics, language etc.;
  • To promote the development and understanding of Russian, Chinese and Central Asian Studies.


The subject matter of the articles should be confined to the developments in Central Asia, Russia, China, Afghanistan and Tribal districts of Kyber Pakhtunkhwa through the lenses of Social Sciences, Arts and Hummanities.


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