Transcending Barriers of Bilateral Trade between Pakistan and Kazakhstan


  • Muhammad Rafiq Country Manager/Senior Vice President (SVP), JSC Subsidiary Bank NBP Kazakhstan and Ph.D. scholar, Islamia University of Bahawalpur
  • Ayesha Shoukat Associate Professor at Department of Commerce at Islamia University of Bahawalpur.



Gawadar port, QTTA, Barriers to trade, BRI, Transit Trade Agreement, Land-locked


The article probes diversified barriers hindering the growth of bilateral trade between Pakistan and Kazakhstan to a significant level. Pakistan is the 5th largest market of the world and Kazakhstan contributes 70% in the GDP of Central Asia. Both countries have not been able to realize the true economic potential in the form of a prosperous bilateral trade and commerce. Qualitative research method has been adopted in the paper whereby bilateral trade data of last five years has been collected. The historic analysis unravels a number of challenges and impediments that obstruct headway into substantial development of the bilateral trade. Finally, the study proposes some pragmatic policy guidelines to achieve the booming trade between Pakistan and Kazakhstan.


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How to Cite

Rafiq, M. ., & Shoukat, A. . (2025). Transcending Barriers of Bilateral Trade between Pakistan and Kazakhstan. Central Asia, 95(Winter), 1–18.